Monday, March 7, 2011

Bachelor: Women Tell All

  Phew, Bachelor talk has been filling up twitter tonight!  I sometimes wish the would skip the "Women Tell All" episode and go straight to the who gets the ring and who goes home.
  I kept waiting for someone to bring up Michelle's acting career on the show.  I just couldn't buy the whole "poor pitiful me" act, though I did find it interesting that people who didn't even stay on the show for more than a couple episodes had to be the loudest in stating their opinion (i.e. Stacey).
  I'm really wondering if Ashley H. is the new Bachelorette.  What do y'all think?
  All I know is that Brad better give Emily that ring, or he's crazy!

1 comment:

  1. Well now that it is over, I'm so glad he picked Emily! I'm sad though they just can't seem to get it together. :(

    I'm excited that Ashley is the new Bachelorette. I kind of figured she would be after this episode when she had her total new look. :)
