Friday, January 13, 2012

38 weeks and some exciting news!

Well I'm a little late on my weekly update, but better late than never I suppose!
I was 38 weeks on Monday and we had our weekly appointment on Wednesday. When the doc checked I was still between 3-4 cm and 70% effaced. I was hoping for more, but I guess we're on the right track. I don't want to rush her, though I can't wait to see her sweet face.
We also have a date! Our girl has until Wednesday morning to come into the world before being evicted! We are so excited!
I think that being able to tell Nathan an exact date has made it easier for him. We're were starting to get a little nervous, because he was starting to act out more. I think he was just a little anxious (more than we are), he knows that his world is getting ready to change, but he just didn't know when! There has been all this hype over a baby, but yet the baby still isn't here! What can I say he's like his momma he has to be able to plan things! ;)

Gender: It's a girl!
Name: Keaton Leslie Ann
Weight: Only 2 lbs. I consider this a personal accomplishment, especially with all the yummy treats I indulged in over the holidays. My total is 10 lbs.  
 Clothes: All maternity, all the time.  
Cravings: Nothing really 
Sleep: I'm up several times a night.  
Movements:  Rolling around.Our Feelings: Wednesday can't get here soon enough! I'm starting to get a little nervous about being induced. I've heard that pitocin can make contractions EXTREMELY painful! :/
We decided to give Nathan his big brother gift a little early. We realize that it's been baby talk for quite awhile now and our generous friends are starting to bring our girl lovely gifts, so we figured that Nathan needed something special. That smile was worth it! He was so happy!

1 comment:

  1. omg so soon! Im 37 weeks tomorrow.. but no progress at ALL yet! Good Luck to you! Its so surreal, to think you'll have a little baby in your life in a few days! OMG
