Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Whoa baby! 37 week update

As of yesterday we are at 37 weeks, full term! I can't believe that it's almost time to meet our precious daughter. 
Today was my 37 week appointment and boy are things progressing. We were told today that we more than likely won't make it another 2 weeks. I'm currently between 3-4, so baby could be here as early as tonight or next week. Needless to say my nesting instincts kicked in immediately. As soon as I got home tonight I washed and sterilized bottles and binkies, and started getting Nathan's clothes organized (just in case he I go into labor during the week). 
I plan on giving the nursery a final cleaning and will hopefully post pictures of the progress. I still need to hang some pictures and find a rug, but those are small potatoes. At least K's bed is ready and her clothes have that fresh Dreft smell. 

Gender: It's a girl!

Name: Keaton Leslie Ann

Weight: Only 2 lbs. I consider this a personal accomplishment, especially with all the yummy treats I indulged in over the holidays. My total is 10 lbs.  
Clothes: All maternity, all the time. 

Cravings: Nothing really

Sleep: I'm up several times a night. 

Movements:  Rolling around.

Our Feelings: Holy Baby Batman! I can't believe that she could come any day now! I'm anxious to snuggle this sweet baby girl in my arms. 

Waiting for baby! :)

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